Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ever After

"Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you. Rejoice in the wife of your youth." (Proverbs 5:18 NLT)

Last night, Lily and I were reading People Magazine "Collector's Issue" of the Royal Wedding. Here are some "Royal Wedding" facts:

Number of spectators in the streets of London...1,000,000(approx)
Number of people who watched on television around the world...2,000,000,000(approx)
Number of horse drawn carriages...5
Number of planes in the ceremonial flyby...7
Total cost of wedding expenses including security costs...$65,000,000 (GULP!)

I have Cinderella-itis as much as the next girl. Though I did not opt to get up at 4:00 a.m. to watch the ceremony, I did feel pretty warm and fuzzy the day of the royal nuptials. How can you not? Truly, this was a fairy tale come to life. As my sweet Lily so eloquently stated, "This isn't just a wedding, Mommy. This is a ROYAL wedding." How true. is something to ponder, ladies, as we get carried away in Nevereverland. It's easy to tell your bride, "You are beautiful" as she stands before you in a dreamy white dress impeccably groomed and looking back at you with eyes of utter adoration. But the hard thing is to say "Hi beautiful" to your wife when she is up to her eyeballs in house cleaners, dirty laundry, and sweat. It's tough to say those words when her attention is shared by squabbling children and multiple tasks that require her immediate attention. It's difficult to say when she feels discouraged by images on the media that remind her of her many flaws and motivate her to run straight to the chocolate stash she hides from the children.

Only a real prince has the mad skills to take on the challenges of living "happily ever after" in the rountines of everyday life. My hubby did that just last night and made me feel like a princess. As dinner boiled over and clean, but unfolded, laundry mocked me from our living room couch, Marty smiled and said, "Hi beautiful." All at once, I remembered that though I am not royal by this world's definitions, I have a Prince Charming. And for him, and his unwavering affection, I am grateful. For he see the best in me when I am at my least radiant. He accepts me unconditionally, even at my worst. And he remembers why he chose me all those years ago, even when I am less than breathtaking. That, my friends, is true love.

Various distractions and heavy responsibilities pull husbands and wives in directions that sometimes cause us to forget what we know to be true in our spouse. Every once in a while, it is good to step back and remember how God brought two people together in love. Not just for a day...but for life.

Marty and I met when we were in our late teens, married in our early twenties, and we are still going strong three children and nineteen years later. I am pretty sure I could not even begin to fit into the dress I wore on that gorgeous August day. But when he looks at me, with that smile that stole my heart so long ago, I know I am blessed. That is the kind of love I want for my princesses, Lily and Sofie. That is the type of man I am praying that they seek and find. That is the marriage I hope they are blessed to build.

I was "queen for a day"...August 1, 1992. It was one of the happiest days of my life. But, it was only the beginning. Through the years, Marty and I have had to cling to our beautiful past as we step together into the promises of tomorrow. Life as man and wife is like that. The marriage that followed the wedding is one that exhilerates and challeges both my husband and me. It has not always been easy, but we cling to the promises we made before God and we choose to grant one another grace on our toughest days.

Like everyone else, I celebrate the joys of the royal wedding. Kate and Will are absolutely adorable. Their special day was truly a sight to behold and I wish the royal couple every happiness. Still, I thank God for a husband who chooses to "love the wife of his youth." (Proverbs 5:18 NLT) I am grateful for my very own Prince Charming. Just a thought from an ordinary woman living the reality version of "ever after."


  1. we are truly blessed to have found such amazing men! i feel the same way about my girls-i hope they can find someone as awesome as their daddy! joey and i met in our early twenties, married after one year of dating and started having kids pretty much right away:) and here we are 4 kids later, 11 years later, and we are just as crazy about each other as before! what a blessing. he treats me like queen, as all women should be treated by their husbands(and vice versa we should always respect our husbands as heads of our households). i think(well, i KNOW) a key factor in a marriage is having God part of your relationship. with God, marriages are beautiful and amazing and last forever! beautiful post heather!

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