Friday, March 11, 2011

His Time

His time is not my time. It's not a fact that I like to submit to on most days, but nevertheless, it is a truth I am learning to accept. Reluctantly.

Most days, in stubborn independence, I try to conquer my challenges in my own strength. For a time. Only to fail. In my striving, I find myself discouraged and bewildered. It is then that I must stop and remember that God is never early or late. And, this part bothers me most of all, I simply do not know His timing.

The truth is, I have had more than one temper tantrum with God about the timing of His plans. Sometimes He seems late. Other times, I feel as though He is early. But the truth is His timing is perfect. So, I surrender to several truths and I cling to them in my seasons of waiting.

I cannot control God, for He alone is sovereign.
I cannot put Him in a box, for He is not limited by my human perspective.
I cannot put limits on His power, for His greatness is beyond my ability to imagine.

All I can do is give my circumstances to Him and believe that He "will make everything beautiful in its time. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) It's a promise that endures even when the events around us seem anything but beautiful.

Right here.
Right now.
In my doubts.
And despite my fears.
God is at work, though my eyes do not always see Him moving. Instead,I am called to trust. Believe. Endure. And hope. After all, there is only room for one God in my life, and it is not me.

I consider the road ahead. Unknown twists and turns are before me. There will be days of joy and days of pain. Days of triumph, but also devastation. And in both, I am reminded, that I remain in the center of God's will. Rather than doubt His goodness, I must know my LORD so well that I am not shaken during seasons of shaping. Of molding. Of waiting.

Truly, there is much I shall never understand as he weaves my life into His beautiful plan. And it IS beautiful. It shall all beautiful. In His time.

Sovereign King,
You are ruler of all. Lord of Lords. All-knowing. All-powerful. You are God. Help us to accept your timing and to trust you in all things. When you appear late, help us to remember that we only see part of your picture. In those moments, Father, draw us nearer to your heart and closer to your presence, so that we might lean on you while we wait. We praise you for you are making all things beautiful in your perfect timing.


Reflection: What are you waiting for? Do you trust God's timing?


  1. Thanks friend. You KNOW I SO needed to hear this! Beautifully written.

  2. I am praying for you and for your little girl in Ehtiopia...believing that God will finish what he started and bring her home in His perfect timing.
